Innovation requires flair and a constant commitment to finding new solutions and developing them into ever better products.
To achieve these results, Master leaves nothing to chance.
The skills of all the company’s employees is of crucial importance. To this end, they regularly go on professional training programs. The choice of external suppliers is also made on the grounds of merit and competence. This is demonstrated not only by the technical partners we select, but also our major collaborations with successful design studios.
Last but not least, investing in state-of-the-art machinery is also of great importance, such as thermoplastic-extrusion 3D printers (ABS). Integration of the 3D CAD system and 3D printers enables us to go from an idea to a functioning prototype in a few hours, thus guaranteeing that each object meets the highest ergonomic and functional standards.
The company’s many international patents are proof of a commitment to innovation. This approach requires continuous investments – an effort that we see as being much more than a duty.